WiFi Hotspot Directories
Drahtlos Unterwegs - A free hotspots directory of Germany, Switzerland and Austria eduroam - World-wide roaming access service for the international research and education community Fon - Share your WiFi and get free roaming at Fon Spots worldwide in return free-hotspot.com - Network of free Wi-Fi HotSpots, with over 5000 locations in 21 countries across Europe Hotspot-Locations - Global Hotspot Directory of Public Wireless LAN Access Points Hotspotr - Community driven site with hotspots added by users
Paid Wi-Fi services
Boingo - Provides global Wi-Fi services at more than 400,000 hotspots worldwide iPass - Commercial Wi-Fi network with over 1,000,000 hotspots in 111 countries Trustive - WiFi access at 300,000 premium hotspots in 130 countries